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Matt Dibble: 24 Preludes and Fugues (2024)

Executive Producer (CD release), Writer (sleeve notes), Co-Producer (film), Fundraiser

Album Cover for Matt Dibble: 24 Preludes and Fugues. Black and White image of pianist Freddy Kempf in profile, looking upward to the top right corner of the frame.

My dear friend Matt Dibble died in 2021, having received the AstraZeneca vaccine. In our last communication, he told me by text message that he had been working on the last of his Preludes and Fugues - a project he began in 2015 and finished just weeks before his death. With the support and blessing of Matt’s family and other friends of his, I raised the money to fund a recording by Freddy Kempf, Matt’s dream recording artist for the project. The work was recorded at our alma mater the University of York in summer 2022, and after post production in Canada, the double album was released on Divine Art Records in June 2024.

In addition, with the filmmaker Frederick Bernas, we made films of the Preludes and Fugues on B flat and F sharp, and also a documentary film, ‘Matt Dibble: The Man and His Music.'

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